My name is Dagmar Lanscha. I was born in January 1980 in Mistelbach (AUSTRIA). Since then I have been living together with my family in Kleinhadersdorf (Austria).

Thematic Bio

In 2000 I received a divine nudge—and since then many more :-)—which led me to focus my professional development on healing work for human beings and animals (see also below).

I have worked for 13 years with much enthusiasm particularly in the field of animal communication. This way I have obtained many profound insights into the essence of humans, animals, nature—of life as a whole.


In 2009 I received a gift from some of my animals: an extensive message. They showed me the way to a deeper understanding of life and, among others, a more profound way of communicating with All that is (humans, animals, plants, minerals...) and a kind of Healing-Work, which I did not know at that time.

The corresponding essence of this message is:

Every human, every animal, each plant, every stone, All that is
has a part of the divine origin, called
  the "divine spark",
inside—in their heart.

The contemplation of this divine part creates the possibility for human beings
to perceive humans, animals, plants, nature—life in itself, as a WHOLE,
to perceive the essence behind the physical appearance of humans, animals, plants, ...
which is not visible to the physical eye, but to the heart.

The connectedness with, the return to the divine part brings along healing—i.e.
happiness in life, completeness, joy, love, hope, optimism, values, sense of purpose, creative energy, goodwill, sense of community, inner and outer peace
and so much more.

Since 2009 I have been passing on this knowledge in the form of seminars.

In the course of my long-standing activity as an animal communicator, I received many moving and profound messages from domestic, later on also from wild animals, addressed to the entire human race. These messages gave rise to two books. More information and extracts can be found here. The book The Light within You was first published in German. Now it is also available in Spanish and English.

The colour therapy system Aura-Soma® from England complements my work. It offers people (small and adult ones) the possibility to choose their personal colours among over 100 dual coloured Balance Oils. These provide insight into one's own life or soul mission.

Enjoy this site

Dagmar Lanscha

Educational backround

Reiki (with Hannelore Fröhlich)
Aura-Soma® (with Hanni Reichlin-Meldegg, Aura-Soma Austria)
Acupuncture Massage according to Penzel (European Penzel Academy)
Animal Communication (with Carola Lind, Karin Mueller, Nadja Bacchi)
Touch for Health for horses and dogs (with Dr. Christina Fritz, Kinequin UG)
Massage Therapist (Massage Schule Manus)
